Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Own Baggage

On Friday, Nikki and I went to an Edison Asian/Pacific Islander conference/workshop with Uncle Joey to shadow him while he does his community work. I learned a lot of cool tips to keep in mind when I need to make a presentation or if I need to go to a conference. I saw the different ways presenters spoke and used their power points. It was cool to watch Uncle Joey in his own work element. I took a lot of good tips away from the Edison workshop. :D
After we headed over to GCN to attend another workshop with the other Pipeline Interns. It was good to see everyone again. We listened to a presentation by Alek which touched based on Qualitative and Quantitative Research. He went over what I already knew and learned from Diana. We also heard a presentation by Yvonne. I really enjoyed her presentation and how she compared everything to "baggage." I think every intern was able to relate to what she was saying because where ever we go, we take our own personal baggage with us. At the end of the workshop we talked about what we were going to need to do during our OCAPICA dinner in September. Nikki and I are going to do our presentation together so we fought our way with Sani and Kuuipo for our black poster boards. LOL So we need to work oln it and make it beautiful!!! =]

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed the presentation on baggage. It is helpful to keep things in perspective when we realize that everyone has their own 'baggage' and stories.

    In regards to shadowing an ED, Joey is an awesome individual to shadow. I've heard him present on a few occasions and he is a natural speaker and engages the audience. I'm glad you are picking up tips on public speaking...it'll come in handy in the near future! :)

